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Game Type: Massively Multiplayer Fantasy Online Roleplaying Game

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Another text based game offering from Simutronics, this game is based on the TV worlds of Hercules and Xena.  The game tries to be true to the "tongue in cheek" style of the TV shows, meaning that the world isn't necessarily historically correct, but instead concentrates on making the experience as fun as possible.  Game mechanics are simplified but deep enough to offer very interesting twists and turns.  The combat system lets you incorporate many of the moves you see in the TV shows.  As with all other Simutronics games you'll find that there is a wide variety of experiences and a team of GameMasters who are continually adding to the world.

While the TV shows hint at Christianity (its future importance), Judaism and other religions outside Greek mythology, the game concentrates on the Olympian pantheon.  Considering the TV show's sloppy historical efforts, this is probably a good thing, since to present a living religion badly is worse than not presenting it at all in my opinion.  But the game is not meant to be taken seriously, either historically or in its presentation of religion.  It's meant to be a fantasy. 

Final Score

Highlights: Simpler to get started than DragonRealms, combat allows for some neat moves.  Lots of roleplaying verbs/commands and a continually growing wolrd.

Lowlights: Historical inaccuracy drives some people to distraction.  The importance of the gods to the game can be a turnoff to Christians.

Recommendation: If you like the shows or want an easier to play text game to get started, this one is for you if you can get past the obvious problems with a game that has your character worshiping mythological gods.

Hints: The tutorial is excellent and should be taken by experienced and new players.

Age Appropriateness: Pre-Teen to Adult

Christian Sense (CS): 2

Game Engine (GE): 3

Game Play (GP): 4

Overall: 3