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Heaven Quest

Game Type: Computer Board Game

Platform: PC

Developer's Website: Top Meadow

Read an Interview with the developer here.

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Looking for a simple but fun family computer game?  Heaven Quest is one that will fit the bill quite nicely.  While the gameplay is simplistic, the people at Top Meadow have put together something of a minor jewel here.

There's enough in it to entertain  everyone, children and adult.  Up to four different people can play the game.  Each player can set a different level of difficulty so Mom and Dad can play with their nine year old and everyone can feel they have a chance to win.

Gameplay is straight forward.  You roll the virtual dice and then move your character forward.  Then you must answer a Bible trivia question. If you can't answer the question then you lose some "grace" which is represented by a stack of gold coins.  If your level of grace isn't full then the next time you roll you have a chance to lose half your movement points.  Fortunately, you can spend one turn praying and refill the pool of grace.  Thus, you don't have to answer a question to move forward, but it helps you move much faster.

You follow a path that winds its way around 3D scenes illustrating key moments out of the Bible.  There are a few surprises along the way if you manage to land on the right square.  For instance you can pick up a "Bible Buddy."  This is a character from the Bible who helps you move faster by doubling your die rolls.  Other unique things can happen while you have a "Bible Buddy."  Guess what Moses does if you happen to land on the right spot?

At certain points along the path, you are forced to stop and witness particularly important events from the Bible, such as the birth of Christ.  The game ends when the first person gets to Jesus' empty tomb.   At this point you get to see your character lifted up and fly through heaven's gate.

All in all, this is a quality game.  There's nothing spectacular about it but it does a lot of things right and almost nothing wrong.  The difficulty levels work very well to even out games and the questions are intelligent without being overly obscure.  The game rules are easy enough for a first grader to understand and yet contain some simple strategy that adults can appreciate.  The intuitive interface will have you playing this game almost immediately after installing it.


There's almost no strategy to this game but that's not surprising. In a tight race choosing to risk throwing the dice when your grace pool's not full can give you a win, but aside from that the winner is usually the one who answered the most trivia questions.  While this is a very important part of the game, the one who correctly answers the most trivia questions isn't always going to be the winner since you can still move forward even after missing a question.

The graphics in the game are well done.  The 3D screens are beautiful and relate directly to the gameplay.  Since the background scenes are pre-rendered, you can't rotate your view.  When you get to the the edge of a screen you are switched to another screen with a new background and path to follow.

All four characters are nicely animated, have their own unique personalities and speak in different voices.  The sound effects are adequate though nothing spectacular.  The soundtrack gets annoying after a while but it can be turned off easily.  It would have been nice if the game had a wider variety of background music.

Heaven Quest comes with red/blue "3D" glasses.  You use them when you get to certain stopping points in the game.  A 3D scene is displayed and if you have the glasses on they make the scene look something like a hologram.  It's not in color and the effect is less than satisfactory, but it's interesting to try out the first time through.  Except for these special points in the game, the glasses are not used.

Heaven Quest is rather simplistic and isn't going to offer a great deal of replay value, especially for adults.  However, for what it offers, it's a winner.  Indeed it's a "fun family Bible game" just as their promo claims.  In fact if you want to buy a Bible trivia game, this is a reasonable candidate.  If you are looking for something you can play with the entire family and has Christian content, Heaven Quest is a good choice.

 Final Score

Highlights: Well done graphics and fun for the whole family.

Lowlights: Not enough content to keep an adult or teen interested for more than a few games.

Hints: You don't need to stop and pray every time you miss a question.  But after a second miss, consider passing your turn to pray.

Recommendation: If you want a Christian family game on the computer that kids and adults can play together, this is a great choice.  It's also would make a great gift.

Age Appropriateness: Children to Adults (if the Adult wants a game they can play with a child).

Christian Sense (CS): 3.5 (basic but presented well and works very nicely as a family game)

Game Engine (GE): 3.5 (solid but unexciting engine with some very nice graphics)

Game Play (GP): 3.5 (as a family game and for kids)

Overall: 3.5